Membership application

We welcome all new members to our Club.

Subscription is $25 annually (January to December).

It is reduced to $12 after June for new members.

membership form to download

Pay your Sub to Bank Account Number: 03 1557 0021858-00  with the 3 Reference fields holding:  Your Name, The word Sub, and The 4 digit year number.

Please apply for membership using the form below:

You must enter your name.
You must put in an address
Suburb and City
Please type in your suburb and City
Please type in your postcode - or zero
You must enter your email address.
You must enter a number or a zero
You must enter a number or a zero
What is your computer skill level?
Please select from the drop down list
Do you have special computing interests?
Please type in a response this helps with planning
What are you interested in learning?
Please type in a response as this helps with planning
What operating system do you use?
Please select your main operating system from the drop down list
How did you hear about us?
Please select from drop down list
Add any comments. ?
Please type in anything else you would like to add
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